My philosophy...

"I honestly believe that photography is a passion and a mindset, and I realize that it might sound cliche' but it is still very true. In order to capture a moment in time, you have to have the passion for it...and be ready~"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Agua Caliente Park Wedding in Tucson Arizona 12/18/2010

Now that was my kind of wedding. So elegant yet relaxed and... soft, is the best word. Maria was absolutely timeless, from the white flowers in her dark hair, to the gorgeous the sparkly flats. And Jesse was a riot to photograph. Never the same smile twice! I loved it... I wish you both the very best in your new life together

    This shot was one of my favorites. You can absolutely feel their love in this kiss...

They were really perfect together

I don't usually cry while photographing weddings, but this one got me going!

All three of Maria's sisters were her matrons of honor! Perfection...
The bouquets were gorgeous

I will always remember this one for what the amazing lady on the far right said...
"These are my fancy wedding shoes!" I loved it!

Jesse waiting for his Maria...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! I am also getting married this year in one of the Chicago wedding venues and I still have to finalize the photographer. I really liked your pictures, you look fab in them. Can I know a little more about the photographer? Because I do not waste any more time.
